Stock charting software freeware
Stock charting software freeware

I use my MarketSmith iPad app to flip through my screens once a week now (it used to be once a day), and I love looking at the growth rates on there. The other awesome part, it’s all on the iPad right now, which is where I do more and more of my market work these days.

stock charting software freeware

There have been other games and charting packages, but not done this well.

Stock charting software freeware how to#

You can trade virtually in the past along with these difference scenarios and learn how to handle them.Ĭoming from a technical trading background, I think this is pretty awesome. But he didn’t stop there, he build a learning tool into it as well that allows you to go back and replay different types of market scenarios, like crashes, breakouts, trending markets, choppy markets.

stock charting software freeware

Dan set out to build the best charting application possible, and he succeeded. But each has its huge flaws, including the fact that freestockcharts is built on the HORRIBLE Microsoft Silverlight platform. There are a number of free stock charting applications out there, including the one I currently use called. Who am I to really judge, but if my opinion is worth anything, Dan was definitely on the right track and had the right DNA to pull this off.Ī few days ago ChartIQ launched their platform into the iOS app store and so far they are killing it. I had a chat with Dan about what he was building and the progress he’d made in such a short amount of time, and came away very impressed. The Best Technical Analysis Tool I’ve Seen YetĪ few months ago one of our investors introduced me to Dan Schleifer of ChartIQ.

Stock charting software freeware